Rep. Mayra Flores Slams Biden and Mayorkas on Immigration

Rep. Mayra Flores is committed to securing our borders. She knows that this is a complex issue that must be addressed. The Patriot leader is determined to find a solution that will work best for our country.

Dems are threatened by the prospect of Rep. Mayra Flores’ capabilities. They know that she is a strong conservative voice… and she will continue to fight for Republican values.

Rep. Flores Slams Biden’s Border Policies

The Texas congresswoman believes that the most important issues to her are the economy and border security. Flores shared her frustration with the administration’s incompetence… and why the dems should be held accountable. 

The Patriot leader reacted to the deaths of two children who tried to cross the Rio Grande. She said on Fox, “How many more children have to die? It’s disgusting and outrageous what’s happening here in south Texas.”

She added, “Nothing surprises me anymore. We are sick and tired here in South Texas. The Biden administration has politicized this. This shouldn’t be political. Wanting safer borders shouldn’t be a Democrat or Republican issue. This should be a red, blue, and white issue.”

Flores also pointed out that the top priority for Republicans is if they win back the House this November. This would be the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas.

She reminded everyone of how terrible Mayorkas has been ever since. Flores said, “He’s putting the American people in danger. He’s also putting immigrants in danger because, as you said, we don’t know who they are. I believe that because of this administration… child sex trafficking is now at an all-time high. It’s because of them.”

Moreover, the patriot leader shared her disbelief to dems, where mayors of cities criticize the busing of migrants. Flores shared her thoughts in another interview on Newsmax.

The Texas congresswoman was asked about Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s comments on busing. Flores said, “They are a bunch of hypocrites because this isn’t a Texas problem. This is something that we are all going through, and we should all be playing a role.”

She added, “They want us to take all the burden in south Texas. We don’t have the resources; we don’t have the manpower. It’s heartbreaking.”

Flores went on to ask, “What will it take for the Biden administration to come to south Texas to see what his policies have done? How many more children have to die? How many more immigrants have to die?”

Gonzales Still Won’t Accept Defeat from Rep. Flores

Despite Flores’ efforts to fix the borders, other dems are trying to sabotage her progress. Liberal candidate Vicente Gonzales claims Flores and her supporters stole the Texas elections. 

The remarks from Gonzalez came during a “vote blue” event at Shotz bar in Brownsville this September. He said, “Our democracy is at stake. Millions of dollars from outside our region and our state are coming here to try to steal our elections… and take away your value and take away the process that we rely on, which is elections.”

He added, “We don’t have the resources to compete with these outside resources. We can’t compete with the Koch brothers. We can’t compete with big oil, big tobacco, and the NRA. They can outspend us, but they can’t outwork us.”

Gonzales sees Flores as a threat. There’s also a chance he’s trying to stop Flores from getting into the borders… before her influence grows further. Good thing our patriots are always here to support Flores no matter what happens.

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